My Nomadic Life, Non Fiction, Photography, travel, travel, Writing


I always thought I’d be dead by thirty-five. I don’t know where this fixation came from, what triggered it, or why I believed it, but the imagined certainty that I wouldn’t live to see forty defined my 20s and early 30s in a very real way. My friends in university would tell me to stop… Continue reading Thirty-Five

My Nomadic Life, Photo Galleries, Photography, travel, travel

Belém, Pará

Belem is located at the mouth of the Tapajos (Amazon) River on Brazil's northern Atlantic coast.

My Nomadic Life, Photo Galleries, Photo of the Week, Photography, travel

Manaus, Amazonas

Located in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest, Manaus is home to 2.5 million people and spreads out over 11,000 km² along the banks of the Rio Negro.

My Nomadic Life, Non Fiction, Photography, travel, travel, Writing

Nomadic Life: From the Amazon to the Atlantic

Day 1 Leaving Manaus on the morning of December 23, 2015 was not at all what I thought it would be. It's midnight and I'm sitting on the top deck of the Amazon Star, the boat that will take me to Belém, thinking about how I was robbed last night. Just a few metres away… Continue reading Nomadic Life: From the Amazon to the Atlantic

My Nomadic Life, Photo Galleries, Photo of the Week, Photography, travel

Presidente Figueiredo, Amazonas

Presidente Figueiredo is a small city of just over 30,000 people, located around 100 km north of Manaus, the state capital of Amazonas in Brasil.

My Nomadic Life, Non Fiction, travel, travel, Writing

Vida Nómada: Persiguiendo Cascadas en el Amazonas

Creciendo en los 80s y 90s, siempre me dijeron que podía hacer y ser lo que quisiera, y me lo creí. A mi generación siempre nos dijeron que el mundo era nuestro, que podíamos llegar a la luna si es lo que queríamos, que todo era posible; siempre nos dijeron que los únicos límites que… Continue reading Vida Nómada: Persiguiendo Cascadas en el Amazonas

My Nomadic Life, Photo Galleries, Photography, travel

Best of 2015 Travels

As 2015 comes to a close here in Belém, on Brazil's north-east, I sat by the Amazon River to think about the past year and all the amazing places I was lucky enough to visit. I've been so blessed to do what I love and spend it with the people I love this year, so… Continue reading Best of 2015 Travels

My Nomadic Life, Non Fiction, travel, travel, Writing

Nomadic Life: Chasing Waterfalls in the Amazon

Growing up in the 80s and 90s, I was always told I could do and be anything I wanted, and I believed it. We, as a generation, were told to reach for the stars, that the sky was the limit, that the world was our oyster, that it was at our feet, in the palm… Continue reading Nomadic Life: Chasing Waterfalls in the Amazon

My Nomadic Life, Non Fiction, Photo Galleries, Photography, travel, travel, Writing

Mi Vida Nómada: Encontrando el Camino desde Manaus

Había estado tratando de escribir algo sobre Manaus en las últimas semanas; algo de esta extraña y loca ciudad de concreto que no logro entender pero que me ha encantado desde la noche que llegué. Ubicada en el medio del Amazonas, Manaus tiene 2.5 millones de habitantes y se extiende por más de 11,000 km²… Continue reading Mi Vida Nómada: Encontrando el Camino desde Manaus

Photo Galleries, Photography, travel

Stories That Cross Boundaries: Leticia to Manaus

Photographs of my journey over the Amazon River, from Leticia, in Colombia, to Manaus, in Brazil.